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Canada envoy enticed Filipino Professional & Baby boomers to migrate

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Philippines - Power of Population Growth

The Philippines is now one of the fastest growing populations in the world which ranked 12th among most populous nation. Aquino administration is worrying of the effect of this fastest growth with average rate of 1.36 % or almost 2 million each year.

Human is power and population boomed is a blessing and wealth of a nation according to former US President Clinton visiting the Philippines last November 2010. He said the Philippines is very rich in natural resources so nothing to worry of the Population boom as it is a blessing.

Highly developed countries like Australia, Canada, and South Korea encountered population growth gap and continues declining population while the Philippines is enjoying much with teeming baby boomers.

According to Koreans, blessed are the Philippines for not just rich in natural and mineral resources but also human resources with profuse of baby boomers. If the Philippines will push for the RH Bill to control the population, Canada, Australia and most particularly - South Korea now is encouraging people to get married and produce more baby and get incentives from the government.

There are bad effect of population boom but for the Philippines with fast forward economy and a very rich land in agriculture, rumored 4th largest oil & gas deposits in the world in Spratlys, and trillions of dollars minerals around the archipelago, worrying of population boom is not a problem but a blessing to the country.

While the Philippines enjoy the fastest population growth, many other countries suffered from declining population and seeking migrant baby boomer to fill out growth gap.

One of their targets is to build a good relationship to the countries like the Philippines and to invite more baby boomers.

Canada envoy lured Filipino baby boomers and Professionals

The Canada envoy offers more opportunities for Filipinos to migrate and better trade and investment relations with the Philippines.

Canadian Ambassador to the Philippines Christopher Thornley said Canada was in need of Filipino Professionals, caregivers, nurses, lawyers, trade people and teachers.

With Canada being a country that relies much on migration to sustain their population and provide steady manpower for various industries, Thornley said during an interview at Radisson Blu Hotel Tuesday (September 6, 2011) that there is an increasing demand for Filipino professionals and skilled workers in Canada.

Thornley said the Philippines has overtaken India and China as the largest ethnic group migrating to Canada.

“To date, there are about 500,000 or half a million Filipinos now in Canada, which is the largest among the ethnic groups there now,” he said.

He said last year 2010 majority of the 250,000 slots for immigrants were given to Filipinos.

“We issued more resident visas to Filipinos last year than all the other nationalities,” he said.

“Filipinos are very well educated who can contribute to many of our manpower requirements. Aside from that, you also speak English well, which makes communication better,” Thornley said.

An analyst said, treating special for Filipino immigrants is not just because Filipino are high caliber professionals but also a good baby boomers that could fill up the population growth gap in Canada.

Canadian investors also were looking into opportunities in the Philippines for mining, agriculture, food, technology, outsourcing and insurance and financial services, he added.

“Most of the investors are very keen on the mining industry here in the Philippines and I think we can work together on this,” he said.

Thornley, however, said that there could have been more investment interests in the country had the policy for foreign investors been made to be more encouraging for them.

“The policies are a challenge but I think the current administration is doing something about it. There could be more (investors) if the policies aren’t that difficult for foreign investors,” he said.

But according also to an expert, the Philippines’ law should not be amended giving more favor to foreign investor to own 100% as it could be another threat to the country. Besides, We have many local investors want to have partnership with foreign investors which business could grow without amending the laws.

Other reason also is the Philippines is a good investment destination in the world and suffering investors in the West would be continuously moving and safeguard their investment in Asia which the Philippines is not just an alternative but a priority of abundant of human resources and also raw materials if investing in a manufacturing sector.

Thornley said,  the government of Canada had gained renewed confidence in the Philippines especially with the current administration’s thrust to eradicate corruption.

“Corruption inhibits investments and trading. The present government’s anti-corruption stand has actually renewed our confidence for the country.”

Other industries that Thornley said that we can partner with Canada includes tourism specifically in leisure and medical tourism.

“Again the Filipinos speak English well and Canadians feel more comfortable traveling to places where people understand and can communicate with them,” he said.

Thornley cited the need to establish more flights to Canada.

“One thing we love about the Philippines is the warm weather. Canadians love to escape the cold winters,” He added.

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