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Hikot Smart & Mobile - for iphone and Smart phones

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Hikot – Social (Global Online Community) continue moving forward to cater the social network needs for ASEAN and global social network users. Hikot’s Smart Mobile is now accessible at your palm with your iphone and smart phones .

The same as in the full page, Hikot Mobile allowed its users to access all the features such as search for friends and new users, search for online users, add, edit and like pages, upload photos, join polls, videos, answer quizzes,  read, post, and edit blogs, join the forum, listen uploaded music and add Aps.

Hikot users could use their mobile phones now to post ads and sell their products online using Hikot Mobile Platform.

The Hikot blog for the full page is also accessible using mobile phones which users could post their full blogs.

Hikot mobile or Hikot Smart is now in its stable phase which users would enjoy the free services of Hikot to connect their friend and family worldwide.

Easy access for Hikot Mobile and Hikot Smart

To access your Hikot mobile and Hikot Smart just simply access the web address 

It will ask new users to register or if you are already a returning user then just simply login using your email address or your user name.

When you logon to the network, you could start searching new friends, post your ads for free, join the forum, post blogs and even promote your services.

One of the best features in Hikot Social network is the Pages which could be access in this link . This smart feature of “Hikot Pages” is like a directory which allows user to add places and add events like fiesta, band competition, celebrity visits, and other special occasion happen to a certain place added.

Using the “Hikot Smart Pages” users could add their celebrity fan page, products, group and community, local business directory, organization, band, public figure, and etc. users could customize its pages added and add events, discussion, photos, videos which followers would be updated on what are the recent happening in a certain, place, page or product though its feeds that would appear in its wall.

These Hikot Smart and Mobile features could be an alternative website for businesses who want to take advantage with the benefits of social network and find their customers from online to its doors.  

For the places like the ASEAN countries, they could share many interesting places through the Hikot Smart Mobile Page so the world would know what are the best places to visit in such particular country.  As we knew, ASEAN countries like Thailand, Philippines and Indonesia could offer the best tourism pots in the world so with the Hikto Smart Pages.. locals could now share the world what’s new and what’s interesting in their place.

Hikot is still continue making upgrades in the future to satisfy the user’s social network needs.

Hikot full-page and Hikot Smart and Mobile shared features.

1.              Forum (A free forum which open to discuss anything under the sun which linked to the user’s feed and activity)

2.              Marketplace (A free classified feature which users could post jobs, seek jobs, sell products services which would appear in their activity and feeds)

3.              Blog (A Specialized feature by Hikot which could not be found in Facebook)

4.              Polls and Quizzes

5.              Hikot Smart Pages – A directory like features which users could add customizable pages, places, products, people, and add discussions, events, photos, videos and music

6.              Hikot Smart Mobile feature (offers mobility to all users and keep connected to their friends anytime, anywhere.

Facebook and Hikot similarities;

1.              Notification bubble.  Facebook and Hikot share the same features. This will bubble up to notify user for an incoming message,  add friend request, and other online activity and feeds which notify the user while online.

2.              Live Chat Feature. Hikot and Facebook have the same features f Live chat

3.              Photo viewing, tagging and liking features. Hikot and facebook share the same concept but Hikot expanded its feature by liking it to the Twitter and Facebook. Once you will like in hikot’s photo it will appear in Facebook if you Hikot nad Facebook accounts are interconnected.

4.              Commenting feeds. Like Facebook, Hikot offer the same features

5.              Other features are almost in common except for the features which exist in Hikot and not in Facebook.

Hikot Smart and Mobile is free to all social network lovers. Try Hikot and share your thought in the comment page below. Hikot could be access in its full pages at

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